Regour (Peyton)
Peyton is the ultimate middle child. Sandwiched between two sets of twins, Peyton has spent his childhood trying to find his identity. In fact, when Peyton was only eight months old, his mother (Debbie) decided that she had fallen out of love with the name Peyton and wanted to change his name to Noah. Her plan was foiled, however, when Peyton chose as his first complete sentence: 'I Peyton!'
Since that time, Peyton has struggled to assert himself. With older sisters that are both intelligent and athletic, Peyton has made a practice of avoiding both competition and responsibility. His challenge has been to find a way of defining himself that does not start by comparing himself to someone else.
Regour learns about responsibility in an abrupt and painful way when his efforts to avoid punishment end in tragedy. In real life Peyton has grown into a capable and conscientious young man in a less dramatic fashion. Like Regour, Peyton surprises himself with his own potential as his confidence and charisma grow.