
Xianna (Sydney)
Debbie's pregnancy with her second set of twins coincided with Sydney's introduction to 'the birds and the bees.' The discussion precipitated the usual reaction of fear and horror; but her parents went a bit further in their explanation because Sydney and Zoe were conceived with difficult and aggressive fertility techniques. When Sydney learned how much pain and effort were involved in her conception, she wept. She was moved to tears by how much sacrifice her parents had made to bring her into the world.
Sydney has always been emotional and introspective, even sullen on occasion. She is also extremely capable, meeting both academic and athletic challenges effortlessly. At times the ease with which she does things has led her to not invest the time and effort required to develop a genuine expertise. In addition, a fear of frustration and of losing often leads her to avoid rather than to confront obstacles.
When Xianna suffers a potentially fatal accident and total isolation, the dour side of her character nearly overwhelms her. With her recovery, she is much weakened in body but stronger in spirit. She learns the importance of struggle to master her natural talent. Even lame and starved, she becomes the formidable leader she was always meant to be.